Carly Adams

A professor, Board of Governors Research Chair and Co-Director of the Centre for Oral History and Tradiotion at the University of Lethbridge, Carly Adams specializes in community and gender in the history of sport in her work as a social historian, as well as Japanese Canadian oral histories. She is currently leading a project that explores the stories of Japanese Canadians in southern Alberta after the Second World War, titled The Nikkei Memory Capture Project (, with Darren Aoki. Her publications on the subject include:

    • Aoki, Darren and Carly Adams (2023). Of Ice Cream, Potatoes, and Kimono-Clad Japanese Women: Forgetting and Remembering the Japanese Racialization of Lethbridge’s Sensuous Geographies. In Caroline Hodes and Glenda Bonifacio (Eds.), Racism in Southern Alberta and Anti-Racist Activism for Change. Canada: University of Athabasca Press.
    • Adams, Carly and Darren Aoki (2020). ‘Hey, Why Don’t We Have a Bonspiel?’ Narrating Postwar Japanese Canadian Experiences in Southern Alberta through Oral Histories of Curling. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 37(16), 1715-1733. (*Runner-up for 2020 IJHS Best Article Prize)