Darren Aoki

Darren Aoki is Associate Professor in World History and Oral History at the University of Plymouth (UK), specializing in modern Japanese history, including the Japanese diaspora with a focus on Japanese in Canada. He initiated and co-leads the Nikkei Memory Capture Project with Carly Adams, a community-based oral history project to record the stories and memories of Japanese Canadians in southern Alberta, Canada. His publications in the area include:

  • Adams C & Aoki DJ (2020) ‘‘Hey, Why Don’t We Have a Bonspiel?’ Narrating Postwar Japanese Canadian Experiences in Southern Alberta through Oral Histories of Curling’ The International Journal of the History of Sport 37, (16) 1715-1733
  • Aoki DJ (2019) ‘Assimilation—On (Not) Turning White: Memory and the Narration of the Postwar History of Japanese Canadians in Southern Alberta’ Journal of Canadian Studies 53, (2) 238-269
  • Aoki DJ (2018) ‘Remembering ‘The English’ in four ‘memory moment’ portraits: navigating anti-Japanese discrimination and postcolonial ambiguity in mid-twentieth century Alberta, Canada’ Rethinking History 24, 29-55.